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Regis Catholic Schools Home Page
Weekly Plans
Week of Sept. 25th
2018-2019 school year
Week of Sept 10
Grade 6:
Hand out all vocab pages as well as numbers and the alphabet
Sing the alphabet song
Review sheet- work in pairs/groups
Quiz Thursday
Fun Friday
Grade 7:
Hand out all vocab pages as well as numbers and the alphabet
Sing the alphabet song
Review sheet- work in pairs/groups
Quiz Thursday
Fun Friday
Spanish I
Sing the alphabet song (review)
Numbers 1-100 (review)
MEE 1, MEE 2, MEE 3
Review sheet- work in pairs/groups
Quiz Thursday-Ave Maria prayer
Fun Friday
Spanish II:
Review sheets with numbers, alphabet, verbs, etc.
MEE 1 Advanced, MEE 2 Advanced, MEE 3 Advanced
Review Ave Maria prayer
Quiz Thursday
Fun Friday (if earned), if not, more review sheets
Week of Sept. 24th (homecoming week)
6th grade:
continue reviewing salutations and Courtesy Practice
Spanish alphabet
2 worksheets
Spanish assignment worksheet (teacher absent)
Ave Maria prayer
Chastity speaker
Kahoot Thursday/Friday
7th grade:
Ave Maria prayer (test)
Spanish alphabet
Chastity speaker
Worksheet 1A-1B
Spanish assignment worksheet (teacher absent)
Kahoot Thursday/Friday
Spanish I
Spanish speaking countries/capitals
MEE 5, 6, 7 (correct and take grades)
Spanish assignment worksheet (teacher absent)
Chastity speaker
Kahoot Thursday/Friday
Review Test Wednesday
Spanish II
Retakes on Ave Maria test
MEE Advanced 5, 6, 7
Chastity speaker
Kahoot Thursday/Friday
Review Test Wednesday
Week of Oct. 1
Grade 6:
review worksheets of greetings/salutations
Greetings/Name/Courtesy/and Salutations Skit (Due Thursday)
Fun Friday (Teacher absent)
Grade 7:
Review of Grade 6 Unit Test Preparation worksheet(Test Wednesday)
Review for test
Unit Test
nouns gender/plurals
skit- greetings/salutations/etc.- perform Monday
Fun Friday (teacher absent)
Spanish I
Spanish speaking countries/capitals
review of greetings/tener/numbers 1-100/days/weeks- Test Wed
Review for test
Skit with greetings/salutations/etc. Perform Monday
Fun Friday (teacher absent)
Spanish II
continue reviewing of Spanish I
partes del cuerpo/comida/verbos regulares
final review test- Wednesday
Spanish textbook (II)- Unit 1
Fun Friday (teacher absent)
Oct. 8th
6th grade:
skit performance (mon/Tues)
telling time in Spanish
continue review of saludos/despedidas
ser- 2 wkshts
guess # in as few guesses activity
7th grade:
time- worksheet 2B
Spanish time practice wksht- clock faces and writing in times
guess # in as few guesses activity
Spanish I:
skit performances (mon/tues)
MEE 8, 9, 10
Time- wkshts Que hora es? A que hora? etc
The Spanish Dude- videos 1-5
Spanish dude worksheets- regular 'ar', 'er', and 'ir' verbs
Spanish II:
TPRS- La Piñata de Renata
Musica miércoles- song sheet
Text book p. R1-R3- answer questions and translate
Oct. 15, 2018
6th grade
Time-review sheets
Review game
Exam- miércoles
Vocab review sheet
start family
7th grade
Time-review sheets
Review game
Exam- miércoles
gender agreement
ser conjugations
Spanish I
MEE 11, 12,13, 14
Examen miércoles (de todos)- capitales
textbook p. 12-16 gender agreement/adjectives
Assign: write 5 sentences about yourself and 5 sentences about a classmate
Then 2 sentences about el maestro
Spanish II
review book assignment R3 and WB Repaso A p. 1-2 (correct and grade)
Musica miércoles (viernes)
text book p. R4-R5- oral and written answers for grade
2 WB pages (class time to work and due at end of class)
Oct. 22-24
6th grade
Duo lingo
7th grade
Duo lingo
Spanish I
Duo lingo
MEE 15, 16, 17
Spanish II
Musica miércoles
Oct. 29-Nov 2 End of 1st Qtr
6th grade
Duo lingo
review numbers, days, months
wksht writing date
wksht crosswords/matching/word finds
7th grade
Duo lingo
continue working with ser
review sheet (2)
Final test jueves
Fiesta Friday-our last day tigether
Spanish I
MEE 17, 18, 19
Coco review sheets
watch movie Coco
coco sheets
Fiesta Friday
Spanish II
MEE 11, 12, 13, 14 adv
cual es la fecha hoy/mañana/ayer
Padre Nuestro
working with ando/iendo
musica miércoles
activity from musica miércoles
Fiesta Friday
Week Nov. 5-9
6th grade
Duo lingo
calendar and birthdays
los dias de la semana
los dias y los meses
7th grade
1st day! go over expectations/choose names/make name cards
numbers/days of week/months
Duo lingo-get set up
Spanish I
MEE 19, s0, 21, 22
los nombres plurales
¿Dónde está? wksht
cuantos hay actividad
los numeros wksht
Spanish II
MEE 14, 15, 16, 17 advanced
califica Dia de los Muertos frases de jueves
Padre Nuestro
en parejos, actividades del fin de semana
ir + a + infinitive actividad
musica miércoles
follow up of musica miércoles
juego de dados- masculino o feminino
Week of November 12-16
6th grade
Duo lingo
Ave Maria test
Selecting pronouns wksht
Los pronombres
Practica con pronombres
Ser- to be and conjugating
Ser bellwork wksht
Translate to English wksht
7th grade
Duo lingo
Correct review of gr. 6 wksht
Wksht 1B gr 7 review
Practica con saludos y despedidas
Skit- due Viernes
Spanish I
MEE 23, 24, 25, 26
Go over classroom objects packet done on Friday- correct and grade
Text book p. 20-26- correct and grade
De dónde son los estudiates- pajaros
Masculino o feminine- gender rules/ conversación wksht
Singular o plural wksht
Los numeros- 100-1000
Spanish II
Padre Nuestro- examen martes
MEE advanced 23, 24, 25, 26
Pronombres packet de Viernes- correct and grade
Stem changing verbs wksht
Textbook p. r47 (1-10)
Week of Nov. 19-20
6th grade
Duo lingo
review concepts
Kahoot martes
7th grade
Duo lingo
Test on Ave Maria
Kahoot martes
Spanish I
MEE 27
split into pairs and translate Don Quiote
Spanish II
MEE 27 adv
Ir a Inf/Tener que Inf review sheet
Examen martes
Week of Nov. 26-30
6th grade
Duo lingo
pass back papers
review for final
final examen jueves
¡fiesta viernes!
7th grade
Duo lingo
continue review of 6th grade concepts 92 wkshts)
greetings/farewells- assign skit (viernes)
Spanish I
MEE 28, 29, 30, 31
pass back papers
review for test
examen jueves
review examen- ¿hay preguntas?
Spanish II
MEE 28, 29, 30 advanced
pass back tests de martes
ir a inf/tener que inf mixed soup wksht
retakes by viernes or earned test grades are final
Billy y las Botas el viernes- sheet with blanks and watch it 2x
Week of Dec. 3rd-7th
6th grade
First Day of new trimester
go over classroom procedures/expectations/name cards/God story/Golden Rule story
Spanish names- make name cards/name activity
hand out prayer sheet, Unit 1 week 1 vocab list/greetins,salutations, courtesy sheets/alphabet/numbers 1-100
Unit 1 week 1 vocab quiz/What you are called, your name is/salutations & courtesy practice sheet, llamar, greetings, and courtesy
quizlet/quizlet live
7th grade
review skits
¿Dónde está tu cumpleaños?/ask each student when their's is/partner activity
assign a mystery person- write a few sentences and see if you can figure it out (para miércoles)
Review unit wksht/verb conj boxes
Review vocab quiz
Spanish I
MEE 32, 33, 34, 35
continue with school supplies/numbers 0-1000
examen miércoles
adjectives- notas
text p. 28 Conversación (1-8)
¿Quién soy yo? actividad p. 29
write simple sentences describing yourself
Spanish II
MEE 32, 33, 34, 35 advanced
Billy y las Botas follow-up activity
¿música martes con profe Charles?- posiblemente
más actividades con Billy y las Botas- wkshts
Week of Dec. 10-14
6th grade
Posada info for Sunday
7th grade
Feliz Cumpleaños wksht
Posada info for Sunday
Spanish I
Telling time Unit Goal: Students will be able to read and relate time in Spanish orally and in written form. They will also be able to make and uderstand basic verbal queries in regards to time. Studens will be assessed by means of written, verbal, and listening skills. Unit RATIONALE: This unit is essential to allow students to function in a Spanish-speaking environment. Time as well as customary time conventions will be covered.
MEE 37, 38, 39
¿Qué hora es? wksht
El Colegio wksht.
Dice game with adjectives
Assign a power point/speech regarding their schedule and with which teacher- due Thursday
Spanish Dude videos- conjugations/personal pronouns/wkshts
exam Friday on el tiempo
Posada info for Sunday
Spanish II
Billy y las Botas- nuggets 1 and 2 are due
MEE 37, 38, 39 advanced
Ciudad y campo- vocab list-define (work in groups)
Estructura wksht (2 días)
Mi rutina wksht
Musica miércoles- puedo ir al baño
identify fotos de cosas wksht
Posada info for Sunday
Week of Dec. 17-21
6th grade
name card game
assign skit on greetings and farewells
test on ave maria miércoles
skits miércoles y jueves
fiesta viernes
7th grade
name card game
review sheet of adj/f/m/#
Spanish I
go over test from Friday
ar/er/ir verbs videos on Spanish dude
Practice Wkshts 2-1, 2-3, 2-4 and 2-4 Mixed
blank conjugation sheets
fiesta jueves
Spanish II
MEE 41, 42, 43 advanced
assign nugget 1 and 2 from Puedo Ir al Baño
musica miércoles- Billy la Bufanda
match vocab words with phrase (due martes)
fiesta viernes?
Jan 2-4
6th grade
Unit 3 Ser/Colors/Adjectives
Unit 3-1 wksht
Unit 3-2 vocab wksht
Unit 3-2 vocab quiz wksht
Quizlet live
7th grade
Animales wksht- work in pairs
Animals/Colors/Tener wksht
Quizlet live
Spanish I
MEE 41-42
Verbos Irreg wksht
Time/Schedule project (due next week)
Spanish Dude IR verbs- 3-:1-2, 5-6
los verbos irregulares (ser/estar/tener/ir)
Spanish II
MEE Advanced 41-42
Musica miércoles-Billy y las Botas II
BB2 wksht
BB2 Nuggets 1 and 2
Jan 7-11
Grade 6
U3W1 wksht- adj
U3W2 wksht- school/classroom
U3W2 vocab review wksht
quizlet live- jueves
quiz- viernes
Grade 7
quizlet live- jueves
quiz- viernes
Spanish I
MEE 43, 44, 45
Text p. 100-102
Spanish Dude: AR/ER/IR verbs mix wksht
Project: Mi Horario: Due lunes (pass out rubric)
Spanish II
MEE advanced 43, 44, 45
El muchacho pastor
mini cuenta me 1 y 2
música miércoles Billy y Las Botas 3
ByB3 lyrics
ByB3 wksht
ByB3 Nuggets 1-4
Second Semester
Jan 21-25
6th grade
Selecting Personal Pronouns
the verb ser
quizlet live
7th grade
1st days of new quarter
5 blind men story/God story
name cards- chose Spanish names and draw pic of fave food and activity for name card game
pass out sheets: el alfabeto/los numeros/prayers/general info
sing alfabeto song
distribute Duolingo codes
Spanish I
Pass back final and go over
continue with presentations- Mi Horario
Review AR/ER/IR verbs- Spanish Dude
Spanish II
Pass back final and go over
MEE 50, 51 advanced
Musica miércoles- Guapo
Guapo worksheets
Nuggets 1-4
Begin Unit 3- giving directions
Semana del 4 de febrero al 8 de febrero
6th grade
crosswords/word finds
quizlet live (?)
7th grade
Duolingo set up
continue review of alphabet/numbers/days/months/colors
greetings and farewells- saludas y despedidas- skit
Ave Maria- prueba viernes
quizlet live (?)
Spanish I
MEE 51, 52, 53
libros lunes
los verbos-ar/er/ir- conjugating regular/irreg
Spanish dude
viernes- Padre Nuestro
Spanish II
MEE 53, 54, 55 advanced
libros lunes
Unit 3 transportation
Unit 3 vocab sheets
musica miércoles- Feo
Feo- wkshts
Nuggests 1-4 (5-6?)
Semana del 11 de febrero al el 15 de febrero
6th grade
more with numbers
quizlet live/kahoot-shadow days
7th grade
continue review of: días/meses/colores/alfabeto/saludos y despedidas
review sheet
name cards activity
Quizlet live?
Spanish I
MEE 54, 55, 56, 57
libros lunes- grade
more with verb conjugations
wkshts with correctly conjugating the verbs
Spanish II
MEE 56, 57, 58 Advanced
libros lunes- grade
Ferrocarril wkshts.
Musica miércoles- Feo: wkshts/Nuggets 1-4 (5-6)
la semana el 18 de febrero al 22 de febrero
6th grade
shadow buddy's (lunes)
fecha palabra buscarlo
cumpleaños de personas famosas
los numeros- guessing game
7th grade
revista saludos y despedidas
skit- 2-4 people (rubric)- due miércoles
cumpleaños de personas famosas
elegir una persona famosa y explicarlos
Spanish I
MEE 58, 59, 60, 61
tener/ir/ser/estar- memorize conjugations
papeles en los verbos regulares y irregulares (4-5)
Padre Nuestro test- viernes
Spanish II
MEE 58, 59, 60, 61 Avacemos
frases sobre tú y sobre otras miembros de su clase
direccionées unit
musica miércoles- La Confesión de Víctor
palabras del canción papel
antes/mientras/después papeles del video
Nuggets 1-2, 3-4
La semana el primer de abril a el cuatro de abril
6th grade
el alfabeto/los numeros/greetings/farewells- señor jordan videos
los colores- worksheets
7th grade
la semana final-
Spanish 1
la comida
menu project- presentations (jueves)
MEE 75, 76, 77
Spanish II
preterite- señor jordan videos
preterite y preterite 2 worksheets
MEE 75, 76, 77
La Semana el 8 de abril a el 12 de abril
6th grade
Unit 1 week 3- estar/familia
continue to review numbers/letters (alfabeto)/dias/meses/etc.
7th grade
el primer dia! go over procedures/expectations/etc.
2 historias
choosing name/passing out materials
Spanish I
MEE 73, 74, 75, 76
musica miércoles- Billy y las Botas I
Nuggets 1-4
Spanish II
MEE 73, 74, 75, 76
Preterite wkshts-ar verbs
Spanish Dude video on er/ir verbs in preterite
semana el 22 de abril al 26 de abril
6th grade
time- activities/wkshts/games/test
Ave Maria test- viernes
7th grade
time- activities/wkshts/games/test
Ave Maria test- viernes
Spanish I
MEE 76, 77, 78, 79
work on menu project
musica miércoles- Billy y las Botas 3-Lyrics/Nuggets 1-4
Examen- Padre Nuestro-viernes
Spanish II
MEE 77, 78, 79, 80
Preterit verbos er/ir III
Preterit Frases I
musica miércoles- Amnesia-lyrics/Nuggets 1-4
examen viernes preterit ar/er/ir verbos
el 29 de abril al 3 de mayo
el 6 de mayo al 10 de mayo
6th grade
U3W1/U3W2 wksht
U3W1/U3W2 vocab quizzes
Ave Maria test jueves/quizlet live
7th grade
revista de animales/colores/m/f/sing/plr
animales juego
examen miércoles
go over test and quizlet live
Ave Maria test miércoles
Spanish I
la familia
musica miércoles- feo
-Nuggets 1-6 (Señor no está aqui a miércoles)
Spanish II
Preterito verbos
Spanish Dude 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5
examen viernes
musica miércoles- la invitación
Nuggets 1-6 (Señor no está aqui a miércoles)
La semana el 13 de mayo hasta el diecisiete de mayo
Grade 6
Duo lingo
get Ave Maria tests back
learn conjugations tener/ir/ser/estar
Grade 7
Duo lingo
get Ave Maria tests back
learn conjugations tener/ir/ser/estar
Spanish I
get tests back
MEE 84, 85, 86
Frases with presente y preterito
Musica martes- Feo
Spanish II
get tests back
Frases with presente y preterito
musica martes-La invitación
La semana el 20 de may hasta el 24 de mayo
6th grade
el verbo tener
tener worksheets
examen el viernes- tener
examen el viernes- Ave Maria
7th grade
el verbo ir
ir worksheets
examen el viernes- ir
examen el viernes- Ave Maria
Spanish I
MEE 83-85
La Familia
Musica miércoles- La Ganga
musica packet
Nuggets catch-up
Spanish II
MEE 85-88
musica miércoles- La Ganga
musica packet
La Fiesta de San Fermin project- van a presentar a martes la proxima semana
la semana el 28 de mayo hasta el 31 de mayo
la semana 21 de octubre hasta el 23 de octubre
6th grade
new unit-la ropa
get list of clothing items/matching sheet/