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Regis Catholic Schools Home Page
6th Grade Spanish:
Objective: An exploratory course which introduces the Spanish culture and recognition and use of simple Spanish vocabulary related to the basic topics of: greetings, salutations, courtesy, how one is, pronouns, where one is from, where others are from, alphabet, adjectives, and colors. The basic verbs of 'ser', 'tener', 'estar', and 'ir' will be introduced.
Grade Computation:
Exams: 40%
Homework: 35%
Participation: 20%
7th Grade Spanish:
Objective: A continuation of the Grade 6 exploratory course which includes the review of the topics: greetings, courtesy, family, calendar, birthdays, age, numbers, time, pronouns, adjectives, and colors. Additional topics then include: animals, body, clothing, feelings, community, home, transportation, location prepositions and the use of present tense conjugation of regular AR/ER/IR verbs, and the common verbs ser, estar, tener, and ir. Cultural and historical exploration through various crafts, such as paper molas from Panama and cultural/historical fun facts from Spanish speaking countrieswill also be shared.
Grade Computation:
Exams: 40%
Homework: 35%
Participation: 20%
Spanish I:
Students will learn to: greet and say good-bye, express simple courtesies, find out and be able to tell the days of the week, months of the year, seasons, and numbers 1-1000. students will be able to describe themselves as well as others.Students will learn all the Spanish speaking countries of the world and their capitals; tell what school subjects they take and some opinions about them; tell time and tell at what time an event takes place; identify and describe school supplies; identify and describe clothing; discuss differences between schools in the U.S. and Spanish speaking countries; talk about going to school; greet people and ask how they feel; tell how you feel; describe where you and others go and are; order food or beverage at a café; identify and shop for food; talk about differences in eating habits in the U.S. and in the Spanish speaking countries of the world; describe some feelings; describe summer and winter weather; talk about seasonal activities and sports.
Students will expand their view of the Spanish speaking world. Students will learn and master new vocabulary and be able to use it practically.
Students will complete daily Minuto Enojado Español review sheets as well as participate in class discussions, skits, and have so much fun they can't help but learn lots!
Students will have daily review sheets called "Minuto Enojado Español" (MEE in the gradebook). These are simply our bell ringer activity and will count toward their "Particpation" portion of the grade.
Grade Computation:
Exams: 40%
Participation: 25%
Homework: 20%
Final Exam: 15%
Spanish II:
Objective: Review of Spanish I objectives from previous year. Students will continue to work on and improve their: speaking; listening; reading; and writing of the Spanish language. They will learn about different modes of transportation; eating in a restaurant; various occupations; shopping; pasttimes; medicine; country vs. the city; fiestas; public services; etc.
Students will have daily review sheets called "Minuto Enojado Español" (MEE in the gradebook). These are simply our bell ringer activity and will count toward their "Particpation" portion of the grade.
Grade Computation:
Exams: 40%
Participation: 25%
Homework: 20%
Final Exam: 15%