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Regis Catholic Schools Home Page
Monthly Updates
Spanish Prayers are written at bottom of this page.
The school year is off to a good start and begins with introductions and learning how to say 'my name is' in Spanish. We start on grade level prayers right away, reviewing what was learned last year. We have been practicing numbers by counting ages when celebrating September birthdays. We are learning different greetings and courtesy vocabulary. It is taking us a couple weeks to get organized with our folders and learn/remember our class protocols. Grades 2-5 get to choose a Spanish name for class and are making name tags. Grades 4-5 are starting to log into our Spanish Google Classroom. I will post weekly assignments and fun links there for them. Grade 4 will start earning an effort grade on their quarterly report cards this year and Grade 5 will receive an achievement (letter grade) and effort grade quarterly. Do not hesitate to contact me by email or phone if you have any questions or concerns. The prayers are listed below.
The younger grades learn or review a couple favorite greeting and name songs. Links to those songs or videos can be found by going to my microsite and the link: https://www.regiscatholicschools.com/staff/lynne-larabee/work-for-the-week/ In the past we have talked about how Monarch Butterflies fly to Mexico in the fall. It is a centuries old habit that modern scientists are just beginning to partially understand. We were introduced to a children’s book called “Gotta Go! Gotta Go!” by teachers at St. James. A big THANK YOU! A link is on "work for the week" page on this microsite.
In October Gr. 5 will begin a unit on Spanish speaking world countries and Gr. 4 will start studying Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead, which is All Saints and All Souls Days) Watch for special cultural craft/art projects to be displayed in your school’s hallway.
September flew by fast. The weather was exceptional. The younger students are still enjoying our "Hola Hola Cómo Estás" song and are enjoying watching additional songs that are teaching how to ask and say one's name and ask others how they are doing. We are continuing on grade level prayers and reviewing what was learned last year. We have been practicing numbers by counting ages when celebrating September and October birthdays. Grades 2-5 have choosen a Spanish name for class and are finishing their name tags. Grades 4-5 are logged into our Spanish Google Classroom. Weekly assignments and fun links are posted there for them. Grade 4 will start earning an effort grade on their quarterly report cards this year and Grade 5 will receive an achievement (letter grade) and effort grade quarterly. Do not hesitate to contact me by email or phone if you have any questions or concerns. The prayers are listed on my microsite at https://www.
The younger grades have learned and/or reviewed a couple favorite greeting and name songs. Links to those songs or videos can be found by going to my microsite and the link: https://www.
Gr. 5 will be beginning a unit on Spanish speaking world countries and Gr. 4 will be starting to study Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead, which is All Saints and All Souls Days) Watch for special cultural craft/art projects to be displayed in your school’s hallway.
All grade levels were introduced to more details about Our Lady of Guadalupe by a special visit by Diocesan priest Father Tim. He was very engaging and shared the story and history in a very engaging manner. Grades 3-5 have a special study unit on her in November/December, but all grades had the opportunity to learn now about how special she is to our faith, Mexico, and the rest of the world. The students listened exceptionally well and remembered many details Father Tim shared.
We are starting Quarter 2. It was nice meeting many of you during Parent Teacher Conferences in October. We are into the school year and working on our grade level prayers and numbers. Fourth Grade had their taste test of a Mexican sweet bread which is similar to a special bread that is shared for All Saints and All Souls Days in Mexico. Their sugar skull masks are on display in the hallways of their respective schools. They are finishing their unit on Día de los Muertos and will be reviewing numbers and learning to count to 200 soon. Grades 3-5 will start their units on Our Lady of Guadalupe before the end of the month. Grade 5 is finishing up a unit on maps and Spanish Speaking Countries. They also will review numbers and learn to count to 1,000. Kindergarten will practice numbers 1-15, Grade 1 will learn to count to 30, Grade 2 will learn to count to 50, and Grade 3 will learn to count to 100. Grades 1-5 are starting their number timings and will be actively competing with the other students in their grade at our other Regis Catholic Elementary Schools. Grades K-3 are learning or reviewing color words. They will enjoy learning some body words before starting on various holiday traditions. As the weather changes (finally) we will stay busy with fun activities and looking ahead to holiday traditions.
¡Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo! I hope you all have a blessed Advent and Christmas season. December will be fun with additional learning about Our Lady of Guadalupe for Grades 3-5, and Christmas Cultural activities in K-3. Feliz Navidad will be a song we sing alot. For the older grades we add Silent Night in Spanish. Grades 4-5 review Christmas cultural activities; Gr. 3 learns about Christmas and New Year’s Eve traditions; Gr. 2 learns about Las Posadas, creates their own Nativities, and gets to try Mexican candy; Gr. 1 learns about the legend of the poinsettia; and K will learn about Epiphany/Wisemen traditions. At the end of the month we begin preparing for The Three Kings and El Día de los Tres Reyes Magos on Jan. 6. This is a really big deal in Kindergarten as their taste test for the year is Spanish King’s Cake. A baby Jesus is hidden in the cake/bread and the person who finds it is honored. The link below will take you to some resources I have posted on my microsite. All grades put a paper shoe out on the last class day prior to Jan. 6 (for us this year it will be Fri. Jan. 3 since the 6th is on Monday). They look for evidence that the Kings visited on Epiphany Eve. I will send a camel alert by email towards the middle/end of Dec. so you are aware of any expectations the children may ‘transfer’ to their homelife.
¡Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo! I hope you all had a blessed Advent and Christmas season. I am happy to report the Wisemen did visit on the eve of Jan. 5. Three Kings Day was Jan. 6. Epiphany is a big holiday in Spanish Speaking homes. It was the day children receive most of their large gifts. Shoes were placed by beds, windows, or doors in hopes that surprises will be left. Hay and water was also left out for the camels, elephants, or horses. Kindergarten enjoyed their taste test of King's Cake and finding out who found the Baby Jesus hidden in the cake. As January progresses it is being spent on continued family vocabulary. We will again do our number timings. Calendar vocabulary will also be learned or reviewed as we move into February. Kindergarten learns the months of the year. Grade 1 and above learn or review days of the week. Grades 3-5 begin to learn how to say the date in Spanish. It is a little reversed compared to English so it takes practice. Dr. Jean songs with months, days of the week, and family will be learned or reviewed. Stay warm and don't forget to check the resources I have placed on this microsite. https://www.
Es invierno/it is winter! I hope you have all been staying warm. January was an exicting month with Three Kings Day, family vocabulary, and the return of our grade level number timings. As we change months we will continue to learn or review family vocabulary, calendar vocabulary and enjoy our calendar songs. Grades 4-5 will be introduced to some subject pronouncs. The Spanish alphabet will be learned in Grade 2 and reviewed in the higher grades. Rainbow behavior rewards continue to be educational games for K-1. In Grades 2-5 it will be watching an animated, Spanish country related, movie. The movies rotate each year for all grades 2-5. This year's movie is "The Emperor's New Groove" which is a silly movie about an Incan monarch who is changed into a llama. It is set in Peru and the Andes Mountains. Each time a reward is earned the class watches 20-25 minutes of the movie, listening in Spanish with subtitles in English. Each time they earn a reward they watch an additional 20-25 minutes. Our goal is to complete it by the end of the school year. Dr. Jean songs with months, days of the week, and family will continue to be learned or reviewed. Gr. 2-5 will enjoy a couple alphabet songs by other artists. Stay warm and don't forget to check the resources I have placed on this microsite. https://www.
Our Spanish Prayers
Sign of the Cross (all grades)En el nombre del Padre
y del Hijo
y del Espíritu Santo
Amén Angel of God (grades 1 & 2)
Angél de Díos,
que eres mi custodio,
pues la bondad divina,
me ha encomendado a ti,
ilumíname, dirígeme,
guárdame, Amén.
3rd Grade St. James 2020-2021: https://ensemble.cesa10.k12.wi.us/Watch/Jd4p6MEy
Meal Prayer (grades 2 & 3)Bendícenos, Señor, a nosotros
y estos dones tuyos que vamos a tomar
y que hemos recibido de tu generosidad;
por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor. Amén. El Ave María (grades 4 & 5)
Dios te salve, María;
llena eres de gracia;
el Señor es contigo;
bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres,
y bendito es el fruto de tu veintre, Jesús.
Santa María, Madre de Dios,
ruega por nosotros, pecadores, ahora,
y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén. (Please note: This prayer has also been said "el Señor está contigo". This uses the verb estar instead of ser. I have spoken with Father Sakowski, to find out which version is preferred. The verb ser is being chosen because despite the indication of location, it is a permanent condition and characteristic of Mary to have God with her, thus the verb ser.) The Glory Be (grades 1+)
Gloria al Padre y al Hijo
y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio,
ahora y siempre,
por los siglos de los siglos.
The Our Father: El Padre Nuestro, a song and video by Juana
The prayer: (only introduced quickly in grade 5)
Padre Nuestro, que estás en el cielo;santificado sea tu Nombre;
venga a nosotros tu reino;
hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo.
Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día;
perdona nuestros ofensas como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden;
no nos dejes caer en la tentación, y líbranos del mal. Amén.