Welcome to Kathleen McCandless's page!
Regis Catholic Schools Home Page


Important Sacrament dates - 2024/25

Parent meeting: First Reconciliation - October 22,2024;  6:30 in Oak room.


First reconciliation: November 20, 2024. Two time slots - 5:30 and 6:30

Parent Meeting: First Communion - March 4, 2025; 6:30 in Oak Room 

Retreat: March 29, 2025 from 12:30 - 3:45

Reharsal for First Communion: May 3, 2025 from 9:00 - 10:00 

First communion Mass: May 4, 2025 at 2:00pm 

May Crowning Mass: May 8, 2025 at 9:00

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow

Regis Catholic Schools is dedicated to educating students of all faiths in a Catholic, Christ-centered environment. We are united by Our Core Values of Living Faith, Accepting Responsibility, Promoting Teamwork, Achieving Excellence, and Inspiring Leadership.