Friday, May 2
To prepare for this event, we discuss a VIRTUE each month. The VIRTUES we walk for are Faith, Reverence, Stewardship, Generosity, Gratitude, Honesty, Mercy, Justice, and Zeal. We display those VIRTUES along the route to visually reinforce our commitment to our faith-based education!
At Immaculate Conception Elementary School, our goal is to raise $25,000. The funds will be used for student field trips, security updates, and to fulfill teacher wish list items.
At St. James Elementary School, our goal is to raise $12,000. The funds will be used for an outdoor shed for recess equipment, new office flooring, and cafeteria tables.
At. St. Mary's Elementary School, our goal is to raise $10,000. The funds will be used for playground updates, online student resources, and after-school programs.