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Wisconsin Parental Choice Program


The 2025-26 Wisconsin Parental Choice Program application periods now open.

The deadline to apply is April 17, 2025 at 4 p.m.

Late applications and late required documents will NOT be accepted for any reason.

Families are responsible for completing the required application and providing supporting documentation by the posted deadline. This deadline changes every year and is shared via this webpage when made available.

Q: What is a tuition voucher?

A: Students who are residents of Wisconsin, outside of the Milwaukee Public School and Racine Unified School Districts, with an Adjusted Gross Income at or below 220% of the federal poverty level are eligible to receive a voucher to attend a private or religious school through the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program. Those chosen for a voucher do not have to pay any tuition, books, enrollment fees, or family fees.

Q: Who may apply?

A: Any public school student in grades K-12 who meets the income requirements; Any student who in the previous school year was not enrolled in school; Any non-voucher student currently attending a private or religious school may apply to the program only when entering kindergarten, 1st, and 9th grade; Any student who participated in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program OR Racine Parental Choice Program the previous school year

Q: What if my income increases in subsequent years?

A: The “once in, always in” provision means your child keeps his or her voucher even if family income rises. Family income is determined for each student in the year they enter the program. Families could have some children qualify and others that do not qualify depending on family income in the year each child seeks entry into the program. The “once in, always in” provision applies only if a student continues to attend a school in the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program and does not voluntarily leave the program.

Q: Can I be charged additional fees?

A: You can be charged reasonable fees for:

  • Personal items such as towels, gym clothes, or uniforms
  • Social and extracurricular activities as long as the activity is not a part of the required curriculum
  • Musical instruments
  • Meals
  • High school classes not required or credited for graduation
  • Transportation
  • Before-school and after-school child care

CLICK HERE for more FAQs about the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program.

The 2025-26 Adjusted Gross Income limits* are shown below.
(220% of the Federal Poverty Level)

For the 2025-26 school year, the family income of a student new to a choice program must be at or below the amount listed in the table below. If a student is continuing in any of the choice programs or was on the choice waiting list for the Choice program in the prior year, he or she does not need to meet the income limits. Family income includes the income of the student's parent(s)/legal guardian(s) that reside in the same household as the student applicant. If the student's parents/legal guardians that reside in the same household are married, their income is reduced by $7,000 when determining income eligibility for the program. (i.e. married family income minus $7,000). For example, if a family of four with parents that are married has an income of $60,000, subtract $7,000 from their income and compare that amount ($53,000) to the income limit for a family of four in the table below. Family size includes parents/legal guardians and their children by birth, marriage or adoption that reside in the same household as the student applicant.

Family Size
Maximum Yearly Income*
1 $33,132
2 $44,968
3 $56,804
4 $68,640
5 $80,476
6 $92,312

For each additional family member, add $11,836.

* As determined by the Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) on the federal income tax return for the prior calendar year (2024 for the 2025-26 school year).

Family income includes the income of the child's parent(s) or legal guardian(s) who reside in the same household as the student applicant. If the child's parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have split custody of the student applicant, the parent/guardian with the majority of the custody must be the only parent/guardian to apply. If there is a 50-50 split, only one parent/guardian can apply. Family size includes parent(s)/guardian(s) and their children by birth, marriage, or adoption who reside in the same household as the student applicant.


If your child is currently a Choice student at Regis Catholic Schools or is on the DPI waiting list, you must reapply each year online and provide residency documentation to the RCS Central Office. No income documentation is required.

STEP 1 | Complete Online Application

STEP 2 | Submit Residency Documentation to the Regis Catholic Schools Central Office (2728 Mall Drive, Ste 200 | Eau Claire)

DEADLINE = April 17, 2025 at 4 p.m.

Do you have an incoming kindergarten or transfer student you want to submit an application for? If so, you must meet the 2025-26 income requirements to apply for that student. If you don't meet the income requirements for the new student, you can still reapply for your current Choice students. Families who have students in the Choice program or on the waiting list and want to add a new student to their application must meet the income limits set by the DPI to apply for that student.


If your family meets the income requirements, you may apply for the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program. NOTE: If your child is already attending Regis Catholic Schools during the 2025-26 school year and is NOT already in the Choice program, the student must be entering kindergarten, 1st, or 9th grade in order to apply. (Incoming transfer students in any grade are eligible to apply.)

STEP 1 | Complete Online Application

STEP 2 | Submit Income Verification & Residency Documentation to the Regis Catholic Schools Central Office (2728 Mall Drive, Ste 200 | Eau Claire)

DEADLINE = April 17, 2025 at 4 p.m.


Documentation required will be based on your online application. When you submit your online application, you have the choice of how you want Regis Catholic Schools to verify your income. Please be sure the information you provide to RCS matches your online application.

Option #1: DPI (Department of Instruction) Method (Recommended)

The DPI income determination method is based on the 2024 income. You will need to enter the adjusted gross income on the return (1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ) in your online application. PROVIDE RCS A COPY OF YOUR 2023 FEDERAL TAX RETURN 1040 (FIRST TWO PAGES ONLY). COPY MUST BE SIGNED AND DATED (BOTH TAXPAYERS SIGNATURES NEEDED WHEN FILING JOINTLY). The amount entered into the online application must match the income documentation provided to RCS.

Option #2: DOR (Department of Revenue) Method

All parent(s)/guardian(s) listed on the application must provide their social security number (SSN) or taxpayer ID number to the Regis Catholic Schools Central Office in order for income to be verified by the DOR. When using this method, please be certain you meet income eligibility for both 2023 and 2024 or your application could consequently be ineligible.


1. Utility Bills: Water, Gas, Electric, Cable, Satellite or Landline Phone (Cell Phone Bills NOT Acceptable)

2. Wage Statement or W2 Year-End Earnings Statement

3. Lease Agreement (Signed and Dated) The lease must have a term that includes the date the parent/legal guardian applies to the school (must be complete and legible) that is the name of one of the parents/legal guardians at the address on the student application. If a month-to-month lease is used, it must be dated within three-months prior to the start of the open application period in which you submit the online application to the school and the end of that open application period. Expired leases and rent receipts are NOT acceptable residency documents.

4. Governmental Correspondence: Property Tax Bill, Supplemental Security Income "SSI", Wisconsin Works "W2", FoodShare, United States Postal Service, Housing Assistance Letter (Printed statements from Access.gov can be used as residency support if the statement is during the required period.)

ONLY THE ABOVE LISTED DOCUMENTS ARE ACCEPTABLE. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT DOCUMENTS OUTSIDE OF THIS LIST. All residency documentation must be dated within three (3) months of when you submit your online application. Full name on application must exactly match the residency document you provide. (No shortened or nicknames are allowed.) For joint applicants, we only require residency documents to have one (1) of the applicant names. The full street address, including city, state, and zip code, must exactly match the online application.

VIDEO | How to Fill Out the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program Application


Benjamin & Karla Harris, Parents
"The partnership between parents and educators at Regis Catholic Schools is essential for creating a consistent environment that nurtures both academic and spiritual growth."
- Benjamin & Karla Harris, Parents
Nan Falbo, Teacher
"Our students, staff, and administrators are encouraged to thrive in this faith-based environment, and I have a peace teaching here that I haven't experienced in other schools."
- Nan Falbo, Teacher
Nicole Berschback, Parent
"The chance to have a small environment was important for all of our kids, along with the opportunity to have values and faith as part of their day-to-day experience. My kids love it here...and as parents, we do, too!"
- Nicole Berschback, Parent
Maya Ridenour, Class of 2026
“I enjoy going to Regis Catholic Schools because everyone is supportive of each other. You also get to know everyone and become friends with them. Regis has made a very good impact on my life.”
- Maya Ridenour, Class of 2026
Michael Bruning, Teacher
"Attending Regis is a wonderful opportunity to be part of a small school environment where every student is known personally and nurtured to find belonging in a tight-knit community. It is a true joy to teach in an environment where every child comes from a family that values the well-rounded education that a private school has to offer."
- Michael Bruning, Teacher
Colleen Callaghan, Class of 2024
"Regis Catholic Schools made an impact on my life by teaching me how to be a well-rounded and hardworking person."
- Colleen Callaghan, Class of 2024
Anna Allen, Class of 2021
"Going to a Catholic school made me a better Catholic by enabling me to learn and grow my faith in an accepting and caring atmosphere. Through Regis, I learned so many values and morals that I use every day."
- Anna Allen, Class of 2021
Marianne Callaghan, Parent
"It was so well worth it for us to sacrifice financially for our kids to come here because honestly, we didn't feel like it was a sacrifice. We feel like it was an investment in their future."
- Marianne Callaghan, Parent
Erika Galewski, Teacher
"Teaching is my vocation and I feel God calling me to teach. Having the strong faith-based education that we provide is something I think is very important for students to have at all age levels and all grade levels."
- Erika Galewski, Teacher
Kendall Alexander, Class of 2022
"Catholic schools are a huge part of my life. I attended Regis Catholic Schools since preschool, and I couldn't imagine receiving my education anywhere else. Teachers are able to incorporate the moral truths of the church into their everyday curriculum, whether it's a religion class or not. We are able to pray at school before every class and with teams before sporting events. I am so appreciative for the opportunity and for my parents' decision to send me to a place where school is more than an education."
- Kendall Alexander, Class of 2022
Tim & Meagan Bauer, Parents
"Regis offers a personal and intimate experience for both students and their families. There is the opportunity to connect and build relationships with others who share the same values and beliefs."
- Tim & Meagan Bauer, Parents
John Mulligan, Class of 1983
"The values I learned at Regis carry over for your entire life; values like treating people respectfully and working hard to achieve your goals. These are values that lead to success in life."
- John Mulligan, Class of 1983
Grace Kristo, Class of 2020
"I feel like the focus on service and helping others at Regis Catholic Schools helped me grow as an individual and the class sizes gave me an opportunity to learn more than I could at a public school."
- Grace Kristo, Class of 2020
Dominic Santine, Class of 2026
"Regis provides me with many great things as a student such as rigorous athletic programs, thorough classes, and an amazing community that supports me in everything I do."
- Dominic Santine, Class of 2026

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow

Regis Catholic Schools is dedicated to educating students of all faiths in a Catholic, Christ-centered environment. We are united by Our Core Values of Living Faith, Accepting Responsibility, Promoting Teamwork, Achieving Excellence, and Inspiring Leadership.