Regis Catholic Schools Administration
Regis Catholic Schools is led by the President. The President has two main areas of focus.
1. System Administration and Comprehensive Advancement:
Under the direction of the President, the RCS Administrative Office provides for the financial management, financial advancement, enrollment management, communications, personnel administration, and general operations of Regis Catholic Schools.
2. Education Administration:
Each school is served by a Principal and the early childhood programs are led by an Administrator. The Principals and the Administrator work in collaboration under the direction of the President. They are responsible for the daily operation of their buildings and directly serve the staff, students and parents of Regis Catholic Schools.
Education Commission
The Education Commission provides input and guidance on various topics and issues to the RCS President, Dean, and supporting Pastors. Regular members of the Commission include the RCS Dean, supporting Pastors, Regis Chaplain, President, school administrators, one representative from each of the supporting parishes, a representative from the Regis Catholic Schools Foundation, and the Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Schools.
Finance Council
The Finance Council reviews financial statements and budgets, provides solutions to financial challenges and facility needs, and capitalizes on opportunities available to Regis Catholic Schools. Regular members of the Council include the RCS Dean, supporting Pastors, RCS President, RCS Controller, one representative from each of the supporting parishes, and a representative from the Regis Catholic Schools Foundation.
Regis Catholic Schools Foundation
The Regis Catholic Schools Foundation, Inc. is a tax exempt charitable corporation with the purpose of providing financial support to Regis Catholic Schools. The RCS Foundation is led by a Chairperson and a Board of Directors and is an independent organization. Today, Regis Catholic Schools and the RCS Foundation work together, with a sense of shared responsibility, to assure the viability, sustainability, and growth of Regis Catholic Schools. If your estate plan includes Regis and you want it held in an endowment trust, please learn more at